Sunday, December 14, 2008

it's magic hour wit dawk chawklet

DJ SEGA has posted his 1st youtube video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"'s a video for an unreleased philly club remix... for all "Family Guy" lovers, "Quagmire" lovers, Club music lovers and plain music lovers. A lil somethin to ease the pain of the REAL club music lovers. From the president of the Philly Bandits to you..."


seriously hate rape myself for not takin that train down to club
THE RUMBLE when Philly's finest visited the dirty south of Sweden... hopefully he'll make it back someday... or I'll jus rockinoffcrazylegwoopgetitpatyafeetspongebobswingdatshitwutangpeanutbutterjellyjook off to the states... & I IZ N I DUZ!!!!! YE YE YE... NEW YORK PREPARE!!!! PONTÉN INVADING YURR FRONT, BACK, OWVA N UNDURRYARD DEC 25TH - JAN 24TH!!!! I'm gonna teach y'all how to go "swedish drunk" (Dante vocabulary) & "gå galen" (Jexpert vocabulary) & "facka ur" hm naaah I'm actually gonna have quite of a rehab over there... my body CRAVES IT n I can't go on livin with this crapinfected mind, my brain is hosting a jit vs. juke battle or sumin... freakin retarded over here!!!! aah well, I'll be fine... as long as I get sum ah dat reayyl heaveyy club music n my fix is done!!!! STUDIO B, SANTOS, LOW END THEORY, APT, SWAY, SIN SIN, THE RUB n all my other pushers I NEED my club crack so you BETA PROVIDE!!!!

p.s. had sucha purrfect weekend in sthlm, attended a bday bash that Fille of BouncE & Danny threw n what can I say... TIGHT PANTS on guys sure is maxxximum trendy but it surrrre AIN'T HOT!!!! get em OFF ok!!!! you look like grose mf INSECTS!!!! haha pardon me... party bein awwrsum n all... the other weekend was sorta the same... ILL that is... although my face caught some nasty rumours... one involving me & J-RO which isn't even close to being true, I've never been anything other than friends with that alkaholik so DON'T EVEN BUVVER ok!!!! shut your mouf if you've jus got shuit in it. n ye...
I don't f* around I jus play a lot. pickin the best sortiment of biscuits for a ffocee break... you won't ever catch me havin nu'in else than those delicious crispy damn hot ones BELIIIIE DAT

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